Title | Description |
ADVOCACY: A VOICE FOR ALL CHILDREN | The third purpose of PTA is “To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.” Through this presentation learn how a bill becomes a law and how, as parents, we can have a voice in making changes on behalf of children and youth and continue the advocacy work begun in 1897 with the inception of the PTA – A voice for all children. |
BULLYING TODAY: HOW TO PREVENT THE VIOLENCE | Bullying is a very serious problem and children who are being bullied need and deserve adult intervention and help. Learn how to identify a bully and a victim, the negative consequences of bullying and effective strategies for discouraging bullying. |
CONFLICT MANAGEMENT | Is conflict bad? No, conflict – even controversy – are often catalysts that stimulate the group. Controversy and conflict can have a positive outcome when the leadership is able to develop skills necessary to manage the situation. Learn about difficult situations, characteristics of problem people and helpful responses. When tempers flare – be prepared. |
CYBERBULLYING | Cyberbullying refers to bullying through the use of information and communication technologies and is a fast growing trend that experts believe is more harmful than typical schoolyard bullying. Cyberbullying is harder to spot and more difficult to stop. This presentation will assist parents with a greater understanding of this problem and provide awareness to this new type of assault on our youth. |
DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH | Since the inception of the National Congress of Mothers, in 1897 there has been enormous change in our technology and society. But, the biggest impact has been our changing demographics. This workshop will explore steps to take to create diverse PTA boards to better serve our schools, communities, and enhance the lives of our children. |
FATHERS AND THEIR CHILDREN’S EDUCATION: IT’S IMPORTANT TO BE INVOLVED | Join us for an illustrated look at how fathers can be involved in home, school, and community. Learn how to be a valued asset to your child’s life and to your child’s education. |
GANG AWARENESS: NOT MY KID! | Explore the life style of a gang member from what they wear and how they dress, the music they listen to, graffiti, tattoos, and how they communicate. Learn why youth join a gang and how parents can prevent their child from going down that path. (Local police will be invited to assist in this presentation.) |
GO AHEAD AND ASK: WE NEED TO REACH OUT | As a volunteer for PTA, we understand the value in joining the association. Even with the passion we share for PTA asking others to join can be daunting. We need to reach out to the people who are not being asked – fathers, mothers, working parents, grandparents, caregivers, school administrators, and others interested in children’s well-being and education. This resource was created to provide recruitment activities with practical tips and the know-how for making “THE ASK.” |
HEY DAD! WE’RE YOUR MOST IMPORTANT JOB | The Colorado PTA encourages fathers to be involved in their children’s education and development. PTA’s can promote fathers involvement at home and at school by educating parents about its importance and by encouraging fathers to be involved. This workshop will explore ways to achieve that. |
HOME SAFETY | Home safety is keeping your family safe. This presentation will take you on a tour of your home and offer suggestions on how to keep your family safe. It includes: finding and fixing – being safety-conscious at all times – and knowing what to do in an emergency. |
KIDS AND THE LAW: AN A TO Z GUIDE FOR PARENTS | Kids and the Law is designed to give parents a basic overview of some laws that apply to youth – laws created to help safeguard youth at school and at play. This guide can also help parents understand rights and responsibilities as a parent and assist in answering questions about the law. |
LOVING TO READ, LOVING TO LEARN * | This workshop is designed to help parents understand the importance of reading to increase the academic success of their children by providing strategies that make reading enjoyable. If reading is enjoyable, children are more likely to read more often and get the practice they need to become good readers. This hands-on workshop will give parents ideas on how to make reading enjoyable for their children. |
MAKING HOMEWORK MANAGEABLE * | This workshop is designed to help parents learn the necessary skills to create a home environment that promotes and encourages learning. Parents will learn about the importance of their role in helping their child and developing habits to overcome barriers in doing homework. They will also leave with specific strategies to make homework time manageable and will receive materials to help get the process started. |
MEMBERSHIP: HERE’S TO A SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN | Learn about the basics of a membership campaign offering structure, strategies, reaching out to your school and community, and the elements of making your PTA membership campaign a fun and exciting event at your school. Suggested membership themes will be presented and incentives will be provided. |
OFFICER TRAINING | For first time officers it is important to know the basics. Three specific workshops have been designed for the 1) president, 2) secretary, and 3) treasurer, providing the essentials to begin your term of office with confidence. |
PARENT TALK: A QUICK REFERENCE FOR FAMILIES | There are many elements that go into positive parenting and this presentation will provide a guide to help communicate the importance of positive relationships between parents and their children and provide a brief overview of 12 key areas that may prove to be helpful. |
PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES * | Help parents to see and understand the importance of regular communication with their child’s teacher and school, understand how to prepare for conferences and know which important questions to ask the teacher to support learning at home. |
TEACHERS AND THE PTA | PTA has always considered teachers an integral part of the PTA organization. Educational studies show that parent involvement plays an important role in learning and parent involvement in the classroom is enhanced by a positive parent-teacher relationship. PTA is an effective means of bringing parents and teachers together to form a successful partnership between home and school. This presentation will focus on building a strong partnership between the PTA and teachers. |
THE SITE ADMINISTRATOR AND THE PTA | It is the site administrator’s leadership that sets the tone of the school, the climate of learning, the level of professionalism, the moral of the staff, and the degree of concern for students. The site administrator and PTA can form an effective partnership to achieve quality public education. This presentation will focus on building a strong partnership between the PTA and the site administrator. |
THE SUPERINTENDENT AND THE PTA | The superintendent serves as the chief executive officer (CEO) of the school district. The superintendent interacts with the school board, site administrator, parents, community leaders, teachers, and students. A good working partnership between PTA and the superintendent enhances opportunities for quality education for young people. This presentation will focus on building a strong partnership between the PTA and the superintendent. |
THE SCHOOL BOARD AND THE PTA | School Boards are responsible for taking the lead in identifying the community’s educational needs and in meeting those needs through local school policies. PTA as an organization is devoted to the well being of all children and youth and can provide assistance to the school board to become informed about the community and the needs of children. This presentation will focus on building a strong partnership between the PTA and the school board. |
REFLECTIONS | This National PTA art achievement and recognition program provides an opportunity for students K-12 to express themselves artistically. Categories are Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts, Dance Choreography, and Film/Video Production. Students compete at local, regional, state, and national levels. Learn how to get started and enhance student involvement in the arts. |
SCHOOL WELLNESS: PARENTS ARE THE POWER | Good nutrition and physical activity among students can lead to higher test scores and fewer behavioral problems while establishing lifelong healthy eating habits. Today’s youth are at risk for obesity and this workshop will explore successful models for creating school environments that support healthy eating. Presented in partnership with “Colorado Action for Healthy Kids.” |
SO THIS IS PTA | Put the power of association to work for your parent group. Do your members want to know more about the resources and benefits that come with PTA membership? This workshop is for you. |
TALKING TO TEENS ABOUT DRUGS AND ALCOHOL | No parent, child, or family is immune to the effects of drugs and alcohol and talking with your child about the subject can be difficult, but the consequences of drinking or taking drugs are far too dire to ignore. However you look at it, whatever the age of your child, parents play a key role in how a child relates at drugs and alcohol. |
TEN WAYS TO INVOLVE MEN IN PTA | Many people when they hear parent involvement and PTA, automatically think of mothers. Women are vital to fulfilling PTA’s Mission, but male involvement in PTA should not be discounted. A strong, vibrant PTA should be inclusive of all parents – and that means PTA’s must find ways to include men and this workshop will begin the process. |
UNDERSTANDING THE MEDIA AROUND US | No matter where you are media surrounds us on a daily basis. This presentation will explore how movies influence our children, the music they listen to, how magazine ads sway our children, the truth to tabloids, newspapers, Internet, video games, and how to take charge of your TV. |
WHAT TO TELL YOUR CHILD ABOUT PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION | Many of us would like to believe that prejudice is a problem of the past, this is not the case. Incidents of prejudice and discrimination can take place everyday and sometimes directly affect our children. We must prepare our children to live and work harmoniously and productively alongside others of various cultural groups. Explore the cause of prejudice and discrimination, the messages it is sending our children, and ways to overcome the impact. |
WORKING TOGETHER: BUILDING A TEAM | PTA board members come in all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, political affiliations, and faiths. Learn how to come together to build and affectively work as a team and develop interpersonal skills that will lead to the success of your PTA board. |